We offer medical treatments, dog walking, pet taxi services, pet-related errands, horse visits, personalized attention, and much, much more!
Pet Sitting Visit
This visit includes feeding pets, changing/freshening water, medicating (if needed) pets, scooping litter boxes, scooping the yard, etc. Picking up mail, packages, newspaper; alternating lights, drapes; watering plants, as needed; etc. is included. Each visit averages 30 minutes and is customized to your pets' activity preferences.
First Pet: $19.00 per visit
Additional dogs, cats, or small animal cages: $3.25 per pet/cage, per visit
Overnight Stays
Don't want you pets to be lonely overnight? Don't trust your pets to stay overnight alone? Looking for a little more security for your home? One of our pet sitters will stay at your home from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
$155.00 per night
Mid-Day Dog Walking
The answer for those who work long hours, go skiing for the day, or whose dog just needs a little extra activity. Dog’s water is changed/freshened. Each visit averages 30 minutes.
First dog: $19.00
Each additional dog: $3.25
Horse Visits
Each visit includes feeding, watering, mucking stall, and one-on-one time.
$19.00 per horse per visit
Requested additional time added to Visits
$28.00 per additional hour
Medical Treatments
Basic medications and supplements (oral): no charge
Injectable medication: $2.00 per injection
Pet Taxi Services
$23.00 per trip (see “Mileage” below)
Pet Related Errands
$23.00 per hour (see “Mileage” below)
Personal Assistant Projects
$23.00 per hour (see “Mileage” below)
$0.50 per mile* beyond Loveland city limits or north and east of the Eisenhower Blvd./Boyd Lake Dr. intersection.
*When gas prices are $4.00 per gallon or more, a fuel surcharge of $1.00 per trip will be added.
Holiday Surcharge
$6.00 (per visit) for any visits done on New Year’s, Memorial, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Days.
Click here for


Overnight Stays

Dog Walking
Horse Visits


Pet Taxi